Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The calm after the storm

Well.  I'm SO glad that full moon week is over.  These days have been full of tantrums, screaming, breaking things, hair-pulling, biting, writing on walls, kicking, defiance, etc.  I haven't had time to think, much less do anything else.  I never believed in any of the mumbo-jumbo about how the moon cycle affects this and that until recently.  Now I can guess the moon cycles just by the boy's mood.  But just as quickly as it comes, it goes.  And when it goes, it's so great. 

Today we had a few great minutes.  When I say great, I mean the cute, adorable, must-squeeze-your-cheeks-right-this-very-second kind of great.  A few minutes after getting home from school, he crawled up on my lap, hugged me tight, and said, "If Benjamin Cofer's happy, then Mommy's happy."  I couldn't help but to just grin and agree.  I squeezed him super tight, and held my boy.  Moments like these just don't happen often, and I wanted it to last.  He sat up and looked me in the eye (!) and said "Mommy, you want rub my shoulders?"  I never know if statements like that mean that he wants me to rub his, or if he's asking if he can rub mine.  Pronouns are troublesome.  Anyway, I said yes, and he put my hands on his shoulders.  I waited for him to do it, because we all know how necessary permission is in these situations.  I lightly massaged his shoulders, and he leaned back in against my chest and sighed.  He then said the greatest words I've heard in a week: 

"Ohh, yeah.  That's the good stuff."  I was at a loss for words at this completely unexpected display of affection.  I just had to bury my face in his hair and enjoy it.   This was the best five minutes of my entire week. 

..until he got up and kicked his sister and threw a toy at the dog.  *sigh*

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